Not that type of "drifting"...
Man it is a weird drive I have to work on Monday mornings. First off, I have this weird zombie-ish type of trance I go in and out of, almost like those random spaced out moments you have when your just thinking about whatever and you just have this dumbfound look on your face while starting at nothing in particular until something breaks that momentary peace and you snap out of it like "oh...uhhh huh?!...yeah I'll get right on those TPS reports Bob". Yeah that's the type of trance I sometimes go into, while driving! But it's all good my damn brain is so miraculously brilliant sometimes that when I'm in that phased out moment I somewhat keep my eyes focused on the back bumper and tail lights of the car in front of me and slow down, brake, stop totally at a stop light, speedup, or react in whatever way I need to to keep steady with the flow of traffic. It's freakin' trippy sometimes cause I come to the stop light right before I have to turn into the parking lot at my work and I then somehow come out of the trance and realized holy crap I just like almost "sleep drove" to work except I did have my eyes open, but still it's wild you know.
So let me turn in my *late pass* for this but damn if Dog (the bounty hunter...okay white dude with a mullet on A&E) didn't bite his ass on the now infamous phone call with his son. He better be glad he lives on Hawaii, a place that I would think doesn't have too many big, 6'5'', 350 lb black dudes. Dude better cut his super mullet so people wont be able to notice him, but hey I wonder if his bounty hunter skills will disappear when he cuts his golden mullet locks sans-Samson style. Yeah I know...it's Monday ha...
okay my Ipod proved to me that one of the funky, illest OutKast tracks is SpottieOttieDopalicious off the Aquemini album.(I called my girl that before once and she was like huh?!...ha love you boo) The word play, the funky chorus sung my Sleepy Brown, the super dope horns throughout the track, yeah fresh.

Explosions in the Sky... this band is incredible. Now if you do not know who I am talking about, think back to the movie Friday Night Lights, the ill ass instrumental rock that played throughout the movie and the dope guitar riffs that were blasting through the engaging football game scenes in the film. Yeah that music was done by these guys, and they just for some reason have been on point and have like 8 or 9 slots taken up on the Ipod, just some instrumental rock, no lyrics just straight jammin on the guitars and drums. very very chill I def recommend you guys check them out, they have quite a few albums out since '99. But check their myspace, myspace.com/explosionsinthesky , and check out the albums The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place and All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone.
So while randomly trying to get tired on Saturday nite, time was around 1 or so AM, and while my girl is passed out on the bed sleeping like a beautiful and peaceful angel, me and my girl Tess(my dog okay!...jeez) were watching Mel Gibson's Apocolypto on HBO. And boy was I surprised on how good the movie was, I haven't heard too much about the movie esp whe n it was out in theaters expect that it was another epic type movie done by nutjob Mel Gibson and that it was a slightly gruesome and graphic like Passion was. But after watching the whole movie minus about a half hour or so in the beginning of the movie, it was a very enjoyable and good looking film. It is basically about a man from the falling Mayan Civilization, that gets captured by some crazy ass raiders and has to escape and get back to his wife and family. So in it's simplest form is a action filled, suspenseful chase movie. And a damn good one at it. Another recommended watching by the homie Tank. I def need to catch it from the beginning. And don't worry it may be in the Mayan language and it has subtitles but trust me there isn't nearly as much talking as there was in Passion of the Christ, so it's alot easier to keep up with the dialogue without missing out on visual actions on the characters in the movie.
The new Jay-Z album American Gangster comes out tomorrow, the 6th of November. I will cop it even though I did have the NR brethren hook-up since last Monday and also even though I'm sure Jay will be alright financially if I didn't spend my $10 on his album, I'm just one of those weird music junkies that likes to still go out and buy a good album, and then go reading through the linear notes for a while. But to those that haven't heard the album yet, it's a really good album and a nice return to form for Jay, think more Reasonable Doubt than Kingdom Come, which I'm sure most Jay fans and purists while enjoy hearing.
Speaking of albums there will be quite a few this holiday season to go out and get...
Wu-Tang Clan - 8 Diagrams
Ghostface Killa - The Big Doe Rehab
Lupe Fiasco - The Cool
Saigon - The Greatest Story Never Told
Alicia Keys - As I Am
David Banner - Greatest Story Ever Told
Busta Rhymes - Back on my BS
Sevendust - Retrospective 2
Nas - N*****
yeah there's quite a few of them...hopefully some of them if not all of them will be good. Tell ya moms and pops, or your girl, or your siblings to get you a Best Buy gift card or sumthin...ha.
Speaking of gifts, you know what really tips my pissy meter off? When your girl just has a damn perfect and easy thought of list of Christmas gifts for you but damn if you can only think of one of two things to get her...damn it so much easier for a girl to shop for a guy than vice versa. Darn...Darn it to hell!...that's alright I'm sure some good ideas will just pop up randomly in my head sooner or later, It's just that by that time she all has my gifts order or bought...oh well, I have a few thoughts to scheme upon. *evil laugh* MMMUUUUAH MUUUAAHHH MUAAAHHHH HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -And sorry boo for reading that folded paper that had a Christmas list of gifts for me...it was under the driver's seat in my car, I didn't go sneaking around for it!...ha. I kid.
well I'm gonna wrap this up cause yes I do have a job, and yes I should be doing it right now so peace and one love till the next time...which will prob be tomorrow...
--Tank, BlueInGreen
P.S. --see Meka, I used the spell check, I got the spelling errors under control!...jeez. lmao.
Props on the blog, homey.
I've done the sleep-drive before too, but by "sleep" I mean "text message".. I can text without looking at my phone, but still.. There will definitely be times where I'm like, "Oh shit..I'm home?"
I'm looking forward to the American Gangster album, too. So far the only one hating on it is Byron Crawford, and hating Jay-Z is one of his like 3 or 4 different topics, so I'm not paying attention to it.
Aight, that's about it. Keep bringing the Aggressive Content, Potna!
Thanks Reyzino...appreciate the comments. Byron is always hating, kanye, jay-Z, whomever, makes him feels important I guess, dude is wack, I swear I'm gonna cricle his crib one day, ha. he misrepresentign the hometown for sure. but whatever...
Hey MTF that was a lot of damn reading...LOL! But I had to come on here and support you sweetie! Good post!
thanks BD...
you think you drift whenyou drive...you've never ridden a motorcycle then.
I sometimes wear an iPod when I'm on the bike, but rarely. That thing gets super boring. YET, very very very very peaceful. You feel like you're separated from the world. No radio, no phone....no a/c (or heat) lol.
That's where the purest thoughts come in at. I also enjoyed the mountains, far away from civilization, nothing but cliffs and trees.
drifting lol
It's a great feeling though!
You should try it..
oh I've drifted plenty of times....I'm in the racing, drifting, and car show world.
but motorcyles...I would look right on one...big big self ha, but I hear they are real chill.
thanks mackey.
yall on that fast n the furious type, not me though... fell off a motorcycle when i was 11 and havent been the same since lol
*reads 88 comments*
ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!, it all makes sense now...
ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!, it all makes sense now...
nah homie!!!!!! lol im good man, just after that went down i never wanted a motorcycle again (no short bus)
^^^^ay twain thats me 88 but it says anonymous
I don't know WTF just happened to my comment so take 2.
Even though I was slappin cats around in comment sections all over the internets about Lupe's "Fiasco", I too am amped about "The Cool." (I know it's over, I'm just sayin)
*new to the site, diggin the content. Peace
Yeah MTF I hear you man. Shopping for the woman is tough. I gotta come up with something new this year. Been gettin her Coach purses the last two years but I dont want to do it again. Maybe I'll take her with me when I get other gifts and when she says "oooh I like that" I'll take a mental note and go back and get it. But then again that shows no creativity. I think I'm screwed.
cali...your def screwed (nh). ha.
thanks 88.
@sirhc, I appreciate the comment bro I hope I have another reader to the site...good ish.
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