If Dubya can, I'm sure you can too...
Read a book? Huh?
As some of you can see I'm a big book head, shit I work at a library(and no I'm not a librarian), I read at least 1 if not 2 books a month, I'm a poet and writer myself, and I enjoy reading (no matter how fuckin cheesy that sounds get over it suckas), so I though I would bring my enjoyment and love for the written word to all you mofos out there that either enjoy read ya self or dont pay attention to much to books and shrug it of as a old school "pastime". I know about half you muthafuckas only read XXL, Complex, Scratch(RIP), The Sauce, Import Tuner, Super Street, Lowrider, Plumpers, and BlackTails, but I figured hey why dont we go beyond the realm of magazines...you read the articles in Playboy...bullshit. So I'm gonna run off a few books that in the past year or two I have read, and also some of my favorite books over the years. You go to any B&N and pick up these books (plus maybe a double latte, half creme, half milk, with a shot of mocha, with a splash of chocolate fudge...*lowers head* sorry.), or to barnesandnobles.com or amazon.com
Dust ya 2nd grade cardboard bookmarks off, cause here we go...
Letters From the Earth by namesake minus the fame
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
*NOTE - ...okay any books by Mark Twain are readable*
The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks
'Said the Shotgun to the Head by Saul Williams
The Emcee Scrolls by Saul Williams
The Autobiography of Malcom X by Alex Haley (everybody should read this.)
Cant Stop, Wont Stop by Jeff Chang
And it Dont Stop by Raquel Cepeda (Various Writers)
The Farther Shore by Matthew Eck
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
What Dreams May Come by Richard Matheson
Rakim Told Me by Brian Coleman
Check the Technique by Brian Coleman
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Any short stories by Edgar Allan Poe
Fear and Loathing in Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Bonus*** a starting point for all you hard head people that think books are a waste of time...here's some Children and Young Adult novels...
All of the Calvin & Hobbes books (yeah I got all 17 of them so what?)
All of The Boondocks books (McGruder's a genius)
Mike Mulligan & His Steam Shovel (classic)
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Sounder by William H. Armstrong
Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
The Contender by Robert Lipsyte (and it has 3 sequel books)
Call of the Wild by Micheal London
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst
Trust me there are plenty of more on Tank's Year Round Reading List.(damn only reading in the summer)But for now I'll leave you with this list of books to sink your minds and eyes into. Peace and One Love to ya...
--Tankus Maximus, MTF.
Random Fuckery at it's Finest (c)BlueInGreen

R.I.P. Soccer, 1988 -2001, the jack russell terrier who played Wishbone on TV. That was one smart dog, teachin dem damn kids ta read n' shit.
let's go'n over to boo radley's place and read a book
May I suggest
The Art of War
48 Laws of Power (I've been riding with Robert Green WAYYYYYY before Curtis got his "intellectual thug" on and quoted him)- very historical and relevant.
cmac you a dman trip bro. ha.
and damn good books sirhc...thanks dude.
AWWWWW...Wishbone died!?! SMH! That was a smart ass dog!!!
the lil dude was like 13 years old...hella old for a dog.
ha nice name babydoll...mac addict...as in cmac or...ha.
awww my smart little boo bear.
Love you
damn!... not the cute pet names online girl...shit.
love you too.
I've read a few of those books, but the only one I wanted to read was Check the Technique. The others were assignments. Oh wait, Where the Wild Things are is my shit too. Anyway MTF keep shoolin' these kids. Peace to ya boo bear. HA. sorry bruh, I had to.
~Calvin and Hobbes is genius.
~The Boondocks comic strip > The Boondocks cartoon (I think MacGruder in 1999 would parody and destroy MacGruder in 2007)
--->Have you read "Pearls Before Swine"? Best comic strip since early Boondocks.
Props on the blizznog, homey!
damn cali shit...you had to say it, well a big AYO to ya for that, ha. thanks bro.
@Rey, thanks bro, and yeha I been reading soem pearls before swine and the shit is great. yeah boondocks show is cool but the strip jsut had some much more to it to me.
Damn kid get to work already.
ha, lmao.
Dean Koonce is my favorite writer.. Check out some of his work
msst def facta...dude is pretty good.
Some good books here, Josh. It's Beckdoobious and I'm just stopping by. Dude, anybody who thinks reading is weak...is sadly misinformed. The people that run the world are the ones that hit the books.
Everybody else is ignorant.
That's not an overstatement, it's true. I think you're badass and glad to see you might be President someday =) (reading all of these books and all).
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